Hello to all of my fellow Triond & Bukisa writers.  


As you have probably guessed, I am the Writing Monkey, and like you, I have a great interest in writing.


Trying to get recognition as a writer is exceptionally dificult, so I am hoping that with the aid of this website, I will be able to help my fellow Triond & Bukisa friends, and use this website to help promote their work.


I am hoping to inject a little bit of fun into writing by having discussions, swapping ideas and suggestions and having the odd little competition from time to time.


Any competition winners, will then have one of their articles added to my site on the Shameless Publicity page, with a view of helping to generate a little bit of extra traffic in your direction. 


I would love it for people to leave any comments and feedback, so please make sure you visit The Big Banana Forum!


If you have a blog about writing, you can even promote it here - just add your details to the forum, and I will add your blog link onto the Promote Your Writing Blog page.


Also, don't forget to check out my recommended Top 10 Triond Writers!


All I ask in return, is that you are interactive, and maybe come up with some ideas to keep the site fresh!


Best wishes